Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Map Texture Tools

This help is applicable to Map Enterprise only.

The Map Texture toolbox contains tools to manage the textures associated with 3D polygons. This toolbox is available from Tools > Geospatial > Map Texture Tools. The Map Texture tools will associate a raster image with a 3D polygon face. The raster image is usually a photograph of the building face that has been sized and cropped.

Resolution Mode

Bentley Map can work in a Standard Definition (SD) mode or High Definition mode. Use the Switch Mode tool to toggle between the two modes. The HD mode shows the texture in a higher resolution however display performance such as zooming and rotating is not as fast. SD mode shows a lower resolution image and improves display performance.

Note: The resolution toggle is available for Bentley Map and Bentley Map Powerview users.

Create Texture

Create texture associates a raster image from the raster manager with a polygon that is part of a polygon collection.

  1. Select the Create Texture tool from the Map Texture Tools.
  2. Identify the polygon to which the raster image should be associated. The element must be a MicroStation shape element and part of a current version XFM Collection feature.
  3. Identify the raster image to be applied as a texture.
  4. Issue a data point to accept.
Note: The raster image to be applied as a texture can be adjusted and cropped using the Descartes Texture Tools.

Remove Texture

Remove Texture will remove a texture from a polygon. The texture is removed and deleted.

  1. Select the Remove Texture tool from the Map Texture Tools.
  2. Identify the polygon from which the texture should be removed.
  3. Issue a data point to accept. The texture is removed from the selected polygon.

Start Editing

Start Editing converts a texture into a raster attachment. This attachment can then be edited with the raster editing tools.

  1. Select the Start Editing Tool.
  2. Identify the polygon that contains the texture to be edited.
  3. The texture is converted into a raster attachment.
  4. Use the raster editing tools of Bentley Map Enterprise to edit the texture as required.
Note: To simplify the view and only show the raster that is being edited, change the view display mode from Smooth to wireframe. This will have the effect of not displaying the existing textures and only displaying the raster images in the raster manager.

Stop Editing

Stop Editing converts the raster attachment that was edited back into a texture associated with a polygon.

  1. Select the Stop Editing tool.
  2. Identify the polygon that was used with the Start Editing tool.
  3. Issue a data point to accept. The associated raster image is converted back to a texture on the selected polygon.